Using Product Packaging To Increase Brand Awareness
admin August 22 5
First impressions leave a lasting impression on people. It is your first interaction with the consumer and might even play a detrimental role in whether they are going to end up purchasing the product or not. Even though the primary purpose of packaging is ensuring that the item underneath is protected from the outer environment.
Product packaging brings a lot more to the table than just a medium of delivering the product. It can enhance your brand recognition and consumer loyalty and increase their interest in your product. Making it one of the most crucial factors for the producers and manufacturers, especially when they are trying to build a broader audience or trying to penetrate their way into existing markets. Thus making it multi-purpose and can go a long way to leave an everlasting impression on consumers. If you still are uncertain about the importance of product packaging, here are some facts from various platforms.
Most consumer decisions are influenced by the product`s packaging. According to Forbes, 72% believe in the same ideology.
Premium packaging can increase the odds of your product being purchased by 62 %, as per the study conducted by dot comdist.
35% have reported Watching unboxing videos.
55% of the viewers claim to purchase the products after watching the unboxing videos.
Odds of your product being recommended and gifted increase by 50% because of premium packaging.
With the numbers mentioned above, it becomes near impossible to ignore the importance of the product`s packaging. But how can one use product packaging to their advantage? What is the streamlined process towards it? We are going to break it down for you in some steps.
Benefits Of Custom Packaging
A good custom packaging sets the tone for your product while delivering the idea and the taste of what the product holds. It will provide consumers a feel of your brand without even purchasing it. As unique as the packaging is, the odds of it being purchased significantly. It provides consumers a personalized shopping experience: It is one of the unique selling points for many enterprises with increased personalization. You get a chance to satisfy the customers on another level. While packaging becomes a pathway between you and the customer to create loyal patrons for your enterprise.
How To Create An Effective Product Packaging?
Know Your Audience
It is your way of communication with the prospect audience and can tell the consumer a lot about the brand. The taste and preferences of people vary due to various reasons. Knowing your audience and breaking them into three crucial factors will determine what your packaging is going to look like and how much the consumers are going to appreciate it. What are those three factors?
Location: The dialect, notions, and languages differ from one place to another. People in one part of the country might like the packaging, while the same packaging refrains people from making the purchase in the other part of the country. Location demographics also become the key factor in the moral and religious sentiments of the consumers. And only by studying your audience truly can you arrive at a workable conclusion.
Gender: while gender plays a crucial role in the packaging of the products, if you are not careful with its consideration, it can become the sole reason for its downfall. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about gender-neutral packaging and products that target a certain gender which has been put under the scope by various marketers. It is vital to ask yourself whether your product would benefit from making the packaging gender-specific or not.
Lifestyle: The lifestyle of your consumers plays just as crucial a role in the packaging of your product as any other. For e.g., if you are launching a food product, you need to make sure of the audience you are catering to, while families will be inclined to buy in bulk and value-sized packaging. Singles or people living by themselves would shy away from purchasing the product as it will go rotten.
Define Your Goals
Product packaging is how the customers select and, 95% of the time, make a purchase of the perishable items because of perishable items such as bread and milk. The only medium of communication between you and the consumer is them picking the product up and reading about what the product has to offer. It can make all the difference; The example is one way to look at the goals your packaging is supposed to accomplish. There are other variable factors that go into play, including your organization, morals, and goals to achieve sustainability.
Use Strategic Colors
The reaction to different colors differs from individual to individual, with each color triggering and depicting various operations. Colors can be used to Leverage consumers` emotions through effective product packaging. Let me paint you a picture, for example. Using white can convey sophistication, class, and purity blue, on the contrary, appeals to the consumer`s trustworthiness, whereas lighter shades of blue appeal to kids. This is why it becomes essential for any organization to take into account the demographics of its consumer market while deciding on a color palette.
Make It Stand Out With Design
Create an impression with unique and creative product packaging. This is the further elaboration and goes hand in hand with point number 2; Define your goals. However, it does not limit to the packaging of the product but relies on appealing to the consumer rationally and emotionally. And as rationale and emotions keep changing, so make the choices of the people. Many organizations confuse packaging with a brand identity which is rarely the case. Coca-Cola, a renowned organization, has changed the packaging of its product for several reasons. With the changing dynamics of society, innovation becomes a necessity for any organization. Utilizing digital mediums and getting the help of professionals while creating product packaging design can lend huge cost savings in terms of man hours used and help you come up with an effective strategy.
VistaPrint Can Set The Tone
Constructing an effective product packaging is surely time taking and can increase brand awareness. While you use the combination of the points mentioned above, you can take time to understand the audience. You can get a picture of an effective product packaging that can speak to consumers and immediately set up a connection with them. Nonetheless, finding the right crowd to bring your ideas to life can be just as incredibly hard to find, but it should be someone with a creative mindset and with the ability to understand and depict your vision. Because all the thought processes, brainstorming, and customer insights are only effective if the packaging manufacturer is able to deliver on it like vista print.